ALBANIA - Lura National Park

Posted by ADeeL JAviD In , , , , ,

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The Lura lakes consist of 12 glacial lakes located in the Lura mountains in the northeast of Albania, close to the town of Peshkopia. The 1,280 hectares of mountainous terrain are heavily forested with black pine, fir and beech. National park status was granted to the area to protect the beautiful lakes which lie within it.

These remote glacial lakes are famous for their natural beauty. Lura mountain climbs up to a height 1,600 to 1,700 metres with magnificent beech trees and higher up conifers. The highest point, a bare peak called 'Kurora e Lures' (Lura's Crown) rises to 2,112 metres, but most visitors will prefer to confine themselves to visiting the lakes which occupy glacial cirques at heights of between 1,200 - 1,500 metres or at best the four principle lakes, the 'Liqeni i Madh' (Great Lake), 'Liqeni i Zi' (Black Lake), 'Leqeni i Luleve' (Lake of Flowers), and 'Liqeni i Lopeve' (Cows' Lake).
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